SUNFLAIR® on YouTube
SUNFLAIR Solar Ovens now has its own YouTube channel, called appropriately SUNFLAIRSolarOvens.

SUNFLAIR® at Santa Monica Festival
SUNFLAIR Solar Ovens were selling briskly at this year’s Santa Monica Festival in Santa Monica, CA. We will be featured in the first two weeks of June on Santa Monica’s local “City TV”, channel 16, with Tamara Henry. SUNFLAIR.net
More Pix from Stagecoach
SUNFLAIR® Solar Ovens continue to sizzle in the Indio heat this weekend at the Stagecoach Music Festival. SUNFLAIR.net

SUNFLAIR® at Stagecoach Music Festival
SUNFLAIR Solar Ovens has a booth at the 2012 Stagecoach Music Festival! Check out today’s photos. SUNFLAIR.net