Honey Dijon Mustard Steak and Potato Salad
This is a delightful summer salad that is one of those go-to recipes to keep on hand. The original Dijon mustard used the juice of unripe grapes in place of vinegar to give it its unique flavor. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:71]
From a Happy User in Mexico
One of our customers, Bonnie Lee Black, was so excited about her new Mini Solar Oven that she did an unsolicited write-up on her blog “The WOW Factor” and shared it with us. Here’s an excerpt: “I’ve made French-style beef stew, meatloaf, baked...
Gingerbread Oatmeal
Servings: 4 Cook time: 40 – 90 min, depending on instant or steel cut This oatmeal is a hit during the holidays. It’s just a matter of adding a few extra spices and suddenly it’s that comforting taste of the...